2023-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2025 Undergraduate Catalog


Multiple Majors/Concentrations

  1. A student may complete the degree requirements for multiple majors/concentrations (Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Business Administration).
  2. Students seeking to earn more than one bachelor degree must complete all of the requirements for the second degree, and earn a minimum of 30 additional credits beyond the requirements of the first degree.
  3. Students seeking to earn more than one associate’s degree must meet all requirements for each degree, and earn a minimum of 16 additional credits beyond the requirements of the first degree.
  4. A student seeking to earn more than one concentration in a major must meet all requirements for the second and each subsequent concentration. A minimum of 12 additional credits beyond the requirements of the first concentration must be completed; Students who receive a second concentration within a single major will not be issued an additional degree; however, the concentration areas will be posted on the transcript; Credit earned earlier than six years before an additional degree, certificate, major, or concentration is completed will be subject to review and evaluation.

Requests for exceptions to this policy may be made to the Chief Academic Officer at least one semester prior to the anticipated completion date.

Other Student Grievances

A student may have a grievance against an instructor which goes beyond a dispute over the grades received in a course. Such grievances might include allegations that the instructor is harassing students, practicing extortion, or notmeeting his/her classes. For non-grade grievances, the following procedure shall be followed.


These steps must be accompanied by appropriate documentation (including notation of the date time, location, length, content and final outcome of any discussions).

  1. The student should make the grievance known to his/her instructor.
  2. If the grievance is not resolved in step one, the student should request a meeting with the Chair of the Department offering the course. The instructor is not to be present at this meeting, but a follow-up meeting shall be scheduled with the instructor and the Department Chair. If the grievance is with the Department Chair, this meeting shall be held with the Dean of Student Affairs.
  3. If the grievance is not resolved in step two, the proceedings will follow the college’s regular channels for resolving grievances; check the Student Handbook or with the Dean of Student Affairs.

Proctoring Test and Proctor Training Requirements

Arkansas Baptist College (ABC) proctors tests for students. Academic honesty and integrity are maintained through the use of check-in procedures, including multiple identification checks, verification of student enrollment in the course, password protection of exams, and a physical presence in the testing environment to visually monitor students during the testing process. ABC reserves the right to revoke proctoring privileges of any proctor in the event of testing irregularities.

The Testing Lab also offers proctoring services for non-ABC students. Anyone seeking to utilize these services must complete a Request for Proctoring Services and pay any applicable fees.


Students wishing to enroll in credit courses must complete the registration process within the official registration period as designated on the academic calendar for each term. The academic calendar is published in the current edition of the college catalog and on the college’s website. A student is not officially enrolled until all of the requirements of registration, including payment are completed.

The official registration period is followed by a period of late registration as designated on the academic calendar for each term. Students will be allowed to register during the first week of classes as long as the course is not full and has not met. Students registering after the official registration period will be charged a “late registration fee”. No student will be permitted to register for a course after the official eleventh day of a semester or eighth day of a Summer term.

Repeating of Courses

Students may repeat courses in which a grade of “F” was earned and have only the last grade count in computing the grade point average (GPA). Appropriate credit hours and quality points will be awarded for all grades of “D” earned in residence at Arkansas Baptist College; however, courses in which grades of “D” are earned must be repeated if a minimum grade of “C” is required. Courses in which a grade of “C” or better was received may be repeated for credit only in special circumstances and only with the written permission of the Chief Academic Officer.

The Department Chairperson, Division Head, the Registrar, and the Chief Academic Officer will determine the application of a repeat course policy in those instances where course numbers and/or titles have been changed and for courses which were completed at other institutions of higher education.

Requirements for an Associate’s Degree, Baccalaureate Degree, and a Second Baccalaureate Degree

Requirements for Associate’s Degree

Candidates for an Associate Degree must meet the following general requirements:

  1. Complete the general education requirements outlined for Associate Degree plans (a minimum of 35 semester hours required).
  2. Complete the curriculum as listed under the description of the Associate Degree program of choice, with a minimum of 60 semester hours excluding developmental courses (additional hours may be required by the various departments for particular majors).Complete a minimum of fifteen (15) semester hours in residence at Arkansas Baptist College (ABC) that must include twelve (12) of the last fifteen (15) submitted for the degree.
  3. Have an average of “C” or better for each major course, and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.
  4. Complete graduation requirements under the provisions of the current college catalog or the catalog that was current at the time of initial enrollment, provided that enrollment was not interrupted and the catalog is not more than three years old.
  5. Initiate an Application for Graduation form and pay the appropriate fees when registering for the enrollment period in which degree requirements are scheduled to be completed.

Educational Testing Service (ETS) Proficiency Profile Exam

Arkansas Baptist College strives to assess the academic competency of all of its graduates. The college will administer an assessment that will measure selected general education competencies. Each student who applies for graduation from an Associate Degree Program will be required to take the graduate assessment test prior to commencement.

Requirements for a Baccalaureate Degree

Candidates for a baccalaureate degree must meet the following general requirements:

  1. Complete the general education requirements as outlined for baccalaureate degree programs.
  2. Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours in residence at ABC that must include 21 of the last 24 hours submitted for a degree.
  3. Complete a minimum of 120 semester hours excluding developmental courses (additional hours may be required by the various departments for particular majors), and meet the requirements for a degree as outlined in the respective discipline.
  4. Complete a minimum of 45 semester hours of junior-senior level courses.
  5. Have an average of “C” for each major course and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.
  6. Complete graduation requirements under the provisions of the Catalog, which was current at the time of initial enrollment, provided that enrollment was not interrupted and the Catalog is not more than three years old.
  7. Initiate an Application for Graduation and pay the appropriate fees when registering for the enrollment period in which degree requirements are scheduled to be completed.

Requirements for a Second Baccalaureate Degree

Candidates for a second baccalaureate degree must plan graduation under the provisions of a catalog in effect during the time they are pursuing the second degree. Persons with a bachelor’s degree from ABC or another institution must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of additional courses in residence at ABC (above the 200 level).
The following guidelines shall also be followed in awarding a second degree (bachelors or associate):

  1. Only credit earned at Arkansas Baptist College after completion of the first degree will apply toward the second degree.
  2. Students must declare a major for the second degree. The College gives credit for general requirements completed for the first degree.
  3. Transfer students and students seeking a second degree shall be required to meet all established requirements for graduation.

Residency Requirements

The minimum residency requirement for the granting of an Associate degree is fifteen (15) semester hours, which must include the last twelve (12) submitted for a degree. The minimum residency requirement for the granting of a Bachelor Degree is thirty (30) semester hours, which must include twenty-one (21) of the last twenty-four (24) credit hours submitted for a degree.

Time to Degree Completion 

Students who are or were properly enrolled in a program that has revised the curriculum will have up to five years to complete their program of study. It is each student’s responsibility to meet and confer with academic advisors to assure that their plans for program completion are approved and in line with any revisions as described herein.

Student Academic Grievance Process

Students have grounds to appeal their grades only if one of the following situations has occurred:

  1. Grades were assigned on some basis other than the basis of academic performance.
  2. The instructor used standards which were inconsistent with those applied to other students in the same class or other classes which the instructor taught.
  3. The instructor did not adhere to his/her previously announced grading standards and/or policies.
  4. The students believe that the instructor made some error in calculating or recording the student’s grade or grades.
  5. The students believe that the instructor has made some error regarding academic honesty or integrity.

The Grade Appeal Process is the only way to resolve a dispute about grades unless the grade dispute arises from discrimination on the basis of race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, or status. The Grade Appeal Process consists of both an Informal and a Formal Resolution process.


Step I: Informal Resolution

  • The student should discuss concerns about a final grade with the instructor. Most issues are resolved at this level.
  • The instructor is expected to discuss the grade with the student. Only if the instructor is no longer working at the college or is otherwise unavailable may the student proceed to appeal the grade without discussing the matter with the instructor.
  • After meeting with the student, the instructor may decide to change the disputed grade by submitting a change of grade form to the Office of theRegistrar.

No students may file a formal appeal until every attempt has been made to resolve the grade dispute on an informal basis.

Step II: Formal Grade Appeal Process Written Appeal to the Chairperson/Division Head

  • If the matter is not resolved through informal discussions with the instructor, the student may initiate the formal grade appeal process by submitting a written request to the instructor’s chairperson or dean.
  • A student choosing to initiate the formal grade appeal process must do so within the first month of the semester following the one for which the grade was issued: an appeal for a Spring semester grade must be made within one month after the start of Fall semester.
  • The request should contain:
    • a statement of the problem
    • a description of attempts to resolve the matter directly with the instructor
    • relevant information and documentation in support of the appeal
    • the remedy sought
    • The student should retain a copy of all materials for his or her records
    • The chairperson or division head will review the materials, confer with the instructor and student as needed and attempt to resolve the matter
    • The chairperson or division head will respond to the student in writing within ten class days and a copy will be sent to the instructor

The majority of grade disputes should be resolved at this level. If, however, the student is dissatisfied with the Chairperson’s or Division Head’s decision for any legitimate reason, the student may request a review by the Grade Appeal Committee.

Step III: Grade Appeal Committee

The Grade Appeal Committee will be convened under the following circumstances:

  1. The chairperson or division head, after reviewing the materials submitted by the student and the instructor, refers the case to the committee.
  2. The student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the chairperson’s or division head’s review and requests a review by the committee. The student must request a review within ten class days of receipt of the written response (Step II).

On an annual basis seven facultymembers will be designated to comprise the pool of faculty to serve on the Grade Appeal Committee. In the event that the committee is convened, three faculty members will be selected from the pool to review the appeal. The instructor whose grade is being appealed cannot be selected as a member of the committee reviewing the case. The Chief Academic Officer will convene the committee but will not participate in the proceedings.

  1. The Grade Appeal Committee will review the case within ten class days after accepting the chairperson’s or dean’s referral or the student’s written request. The committee will select a chair, follow due process in reviewing the appeal, and reach a decision through majority vote.
  2. The Grade Appeal Committee will reach one of three decisions:
    1. Appeal settled by consent. The committee reaches a resolution that is mutually acceptable to the student and the instructor who issued the grade. Should the acceptable conciliation involve a change of grade, the instructor will submit a change of grade form to the Office of the Registrar.
    2. Appeal affirmed. The committee recommends a change of grade to the Chief Academic Officer, who implements the recommendation and notifies the instructor and student of the decision.
    3. Appeal denied; original grade stands. The committee notifies the Chief Academic Officer, who communicates the decision to the instructor and the student in writing.

Decisions reached by the Grade Appeal Committee and implemented by the Chief Academic Officer are final and binding on all parties.


Under unusual circumstances, timelines for proceeding with the grade appeal process may be extended. If the college administrator fails to review or respond within the time limits provided, the student may proceed to the next step of the process. If the student fails to respond within the time limits provided, the appeal shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. These procedures will be reviewed every two years by the Chief Academic Officer, Division Head, and Academic Council.

Student Athlete Absence

Arkansas Baptist College (ABC) is committed to the success of our student athletes. To support student athletes, ABC pledges to make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for students on ABC athletic teams who must be absent from class due to a scheduled athletic competition. An ABC student athlete who misses class due to participation in athletic competition has the opportunity to develop a plan with his/her instructor for completing assessments missed while absent. Faculty will provide reasonable accommodations to make up missed work, which may include a selection of assessments comparable, but not necessarily identical, to those that the student will miss, as stipulated by the instructor. If the grading policy for a course in which a student athlete is enrolled includes dropping a test/quiz score for the calculation of the final grade, a test or quiz missed due to competition-related absences will not automatically constitute the dropped test or quiz unless the student chooses to use this option.

Procedures and Documentation

Prior to leaving on a trip, the Coach will provide each student athlete with a letter describing travel details. The student athlete will provide this letter to each instructor; it is the responsibility of the student athlete to follow up with his/her instructor(s) regarding any notes, assignments and/or tests missed due to traveling with the athletic department. If a student-athlete fails to notify his/her instructor(s) prior to leaving, the Student-Athlete Policy is null and void: absences communicated after the fact will not be accepted as excused absences, and the instructor(s) is (are) not obliged to accept make-up work that the student submits. In the event that a weather event (rain-delay) postpones a game and thereby extends the time of the student’s absence, it will be the responsibility of the student-athlete to notify each instructor of the delay and the anticipated date of his/her return to campus. Instructors may contact the coach to verify the event and the extended absence.

Students with Disabilities

It is the students’ responsibility to request accommodations each term. To request academic accommodations, students are required to complete a series of steps, before or at the beginning of each term. Students registered with the Office of Disability Support Services may request accommodations at any point during the term, but accommodations are only granted from the date faculty are notified by the student with an official Accommodation Letter from the Office of Disability Support Services. For instance, a student may take the first exam in a particular class without using accommodations for which the student is eligible. The student may decide to activate accommodations for the second exam. Thus, the student would receive accommodations from the second exam forward. Furthermore, students have an obligation to inform the College in a timely manner of an accommodation request. Students who fail to give sufficient notice of accommodation requests may not receive accommodations.

Student obligations with accommodations requests are as follows:

  1. Meet with an Office of Disability Support Services staff member to discuss accommodations requests and complete an Accommodation Request Form.
  2. Deliver an Accommodation Letter to the instructor of each course for which accommodations are requested.
  3. Discuss how accommodations will be implemented with the instructor of the course. The Office of Disability Support Services is available to offer suggestions to the student and faculty member.
  4. Remind the instructor of exam accommodations at least one week before scheduled exams.
  5. Report any problems with accommodations implementation to the Office of Disability Support Services.

Students are required to deliver and discuss Accommodation Letters with faculty before accommodations will be implemented. Instructors are not obligated to provide accommodations until such time as they are notified by official hand delivered letters to do so. Also, accommodations are not retroactive. In other words, faculty is not obligated to accommodate prior exams, assignments, or any course-related activity before an Accommodation Letter is delivered and discussed.

Students are entitled to appeal accommodation decisions of Office of Disability Support Services, faculty, or other College entities. Please refer to ABC 504/ADA Grievance Process for Students.

Testing and Evaluation

In order to ensure the quality and effectiveness of its academic programs, Arkansas Baptist College requires that all students participate, as a condition of graduation, in College-wide activities to evaluate and assess curriculum and instruction. Participation in such activities may be requested of all students or of a statistically represented group. Students may, therefore, be requested to participate in one or all of the following or other assessment activities.

  1. General Education Examination
    This examination is designed to measure the effectiveness of the College’s general education program. No minimum score is, therefore, required of the individual student.
  2. Student Satisfaction Survey
    This survey is designed to assess the level of student satisfaction with the College’s academic and instructional programs.


Transcripts are confidential and will not be released without written approval from the students. The transcript is a statement of the students’ academic achievement.

  1. No transcript or other evidence of attendance is issued to or for students who are in debt to the college until such indebtedness has been paid in full.
  2. A fee is charged for each transcript requested. The fee must accompany the request.
  3. Transcript requests must be made at least five (5) days prior to the date of expected issuance.
  4. Transcripts which have been presented for admission or evaluation of credit become a part of the students’ permanent records and are not re-issued.
  5. Transfer students who fail to submit official transcripts from all institutions previously attended before registration, or who neglect to indicate previous college credits, may not be permitted to submit these credits at a later date when additional credits may be needed to complete graduation requirements or other purposes. Failure to submit transfer transcripts will cause students to be denied full admission.
  6. The College conforms to Act 351 for the State of Arkansas (1991), which “prohibits the making, forging, or counterfeiting of a transcript, diploma, or grade report.”

Official Transcript

An “official” transcript is a statement of the student academic standing, bears the signature of the “Registrar” or other authorized official, and the legal seal of Arkansas Baptist College. An official transcript is mailed directly from the Office of the Registrar or sent electronically through the National Student Clearinghouse to another institution or agency upon receipt of a written request signed by the student.

Unofficial Transcript

An “unofficial” transcript is a statement of the student’s academic standing. It does not include an authorized signature or the official seal of the college. Students should access the student portal to print an unofficial transcript.

Transfer of Credit

Arkansas Baptist College (ABC) accepts credits from postsecondary institutions that are accredited by a U.S. Department of Education and approved regional accrediting association if the credits apply to the established curricula of ABC and meet the listed requirements. Awarding of transfer credit from proprietary colleges is considered on a case-by-case basis.

Granting Transfer Credit

The student must request their official transcript from the transferring institution be sent to ABC for evaluation.

  1. Credit will be awarded when the following criteria are met*
    1. A grade of “C” or better has been earned
    2. The course is applicable to an ABC program
    3. The course is deemed comparable in content

*Credit courses over five (5) years old may need to be reviewed by the academic department for transferability

  1. Additional supporting material such as the course description from the transferring institution catalog and/or course syllabus may be requested.
  2. Accepted transfer credit hours and grades will be calculated in the student’s cumulative grade point average.
  3. Once the credit becomes a part of the student’s official record at ABC, it will not be removed.

Appeal Process

To appeal the evaluation or transferability of a course, the student must submit a written request to the appropriate department chair for reevaluation of the transfer credit. The department chair will notify the student of the final credit decision via the ABC email system.

Maximum Transfer of Credit

The maximum number of transfer credits including alternative forms of credit acceptable towards a student’s academic program is two-thirds (2/3) of the program’s required credits.

Appeal Process for Maximum Transfer of Credit

To appeal the maximum number of transfer credits, the student must submit a written request to the department chair. The department chair will notify the student of the final credit decision via the ABC email system.

Transient Enrollment

Students enrolled and seeking degrees at the Arkansas Baptist College may enroll as “transient students” at another institution and have a record of their credits forwarded to ABC. Students must complete the transient student form and have an official copy of the transcript sent to ABC. Students should meet with their academic advisor for prior approval of courses to be transferred to the institution. Students are responsible for ensuring that the completed form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

Voluntary Withdrawal from the Institution by Students

Students withdrawing from the college for any reason at any time must obtain an Official Withdrawal Form from the Office of the Registrar and obtain all the required signatures. No record is made on the transcript for official withdrawal from the college or a course during the official drop period. If students are called to active duty because of war or natural disaster, they may receive an official withdrawal from Arkansas Baptist College. Veterans or eligible persons who withdraw from a class after midterm exams will receive a grade of “W”.